



执教讲师:伦艺教授Joseph Toronka、伦艺教授Tarang Bharti (Courselves Leader Graduate Diploma in Fsshion Design and Technology、Product development lecturer on MA Fashion Futures、3D Sampling and Product Development Lecturer)

课程长度:6 Course Duration: 6 weeks

招生对象:时尚爱好者、服装设计专业毕业生和品牌工作室设计师助理Enrollment Target: graduates of fashion design and designer’s assistants,

培训目标:通过6周时间的强化培训使学员能够独立完成各自的设计系列并形成各自的品牌风格。完成最少五套系列成衣并推送进入伦敦-深圳时装周走秀Training Goal: Through the 6-week intensive training, students can independently complete their own design collection and develop their own brand style. Complete at least five sets of ready-to-wear

课程内容手绘设计调研与开发样衣制作成衣制作模特试衣面料市场、辅料市场买手知识、电商知识、陈列搭配、完成成衣Course Content: Drawing, design research and development, sample clothing production, ready-to-wear production, model fitting, fabric market, accessories market, buyer knowledge, e-commerce knowledge, display and styling, completion of read-to-wear.

授课方法:中外教结合,中教辅助完成基础手绘”、“电脑绘图”、“立体裁剪”、“服装制版等基础科目教学,外教完成主要设计科目教学。(Teaching Method: The combination of Chinese and foreign teacher, Chinese teacher assists in the teaching of basic subjects: "basic hand drawing”, "digital drawing", "draping", and "pattern cutting”. design process course is foreign teacher’s main obligations

课程安排和教学步骤Teaching Arrangements and Steps:

第一周(学习设计思路,基础手绘)The first week (learning design conceptions and basic hand drawing)


时尚手绘-设计调研与开发5-设计调研与开发6-时尚手绘1-Design Research and Development 2- Hand Drawing,Design Research and Development 3-Design Research and Development 4-Hand Drawing, Design Research and Development 5-Design Research and Development 6-Hand Drawing.

第二周(确定最终设计,面料,以及手绘完所有效果图)The Second Week (determining the final design, fabric, and whole collection’s illustrations):


时尚手绘-设计调研与开发11-设计调研与开发12-时尚手绘7-Design Research and development 8-drawing,Design Research and development 9-Design Research and development 10-drawing,design Research and development 11-Design Research and development 12-drawing.

第三周(开始制作白坯布样衣)The Third Week (draping lessons making sample garments by gray fabric):

立体裁剪1-服装制版1-服装工艺1-了解面料市场、辅料市场1-draping lesson 1-garment making techniques 1-knowlege of the fabric and accessories market.

第四周(模特试穿并制作成衣)Week 4 (models fitting and ready-to-wear making):

立体裁剪2-服装制版2-服装工艺2-了解面料市场、辅料市场 2-Draping lesson 2-garment making techniques 2-knowlege of the fabric and accessories market.

第五周(模特试穿并制作成衣)Week 5 ((models fitting and ready-to-wear making):

立体裁剪3-服装制版3-服装工艺3-了解面料市场、辅料市场 3-Draping lesson 3-garment making techniques 3-knowlege of the fabric and accessories market.

第六周(完成所有成衣)Week 6 (completion of all outfits):

陈列搭配-买手基础知识-电商淘宝基础入门(Display, styling, basic knowledge for buyers,basic introduction to e-commerce Taobao.

课程后期服务Course value-added services:

完成最少五套系列缝制和最少五套系列进深圳-伦敦时装周走秀。学员露出自己的logo并作为设计师谢幕!最少一篇官方媒体的报道推广(Completed five outfits can enter into ShenZhen Fashion Week for Catwalk. Participants would be able to reveal their own logo and give a curtain call as a designer! Promotion of at least one official media report.

时尚爱好者、服装设计专业毕业生和品牌工作室设计师助理Enrollment Target: graduates of fashion design and designer’s assistants,

第一周(学习设计思路,基础手绘)The first week (learning design conceptions and basic hand drawing)


时尚手绘-设计调研与开发5-设计调研与开发6-时尚手绘1-Design Research and Development 2- Hand Drawing,Design Research and Development 3-Design Research and Development 4-Hand Drawing, Design Research and Development 5-Design Research and Development 6-Hand Drawing.

第二周(确定最终设计,面料,以及手绘完所有效果图)The Second Week (determining the final design, fabric, and whole collection’s illustrations):


时尚手绘-设计调研与开发11-设计调研与开发12-时尚手绘7-Design Research and development 8-drawing,Design Research and development 9-Design Research and development 10-drawing,design Research and development 11-Design Research and development 12-drawing.

第三周(开始制作白坯布样衣)The Third Week (draping lessons making sample garments by gray fabric):

立体裁剪1-服装制版1-服装工艺1-了解面料市场、辅料市场1-draping lesson 1-garment making techniques 1-knowlege of the fabric and accessories market.

第四周(模特试穿并制作成衣)Week 4 (models itting and ready-to-wear making):

立体裁剪2-服装制版2-服装工艺2-了解面料市场、辅料市场2-Draping esson 2-garment making techniques 2-knowlege of the fabric and accessories market.

第五周(模特试穿并制作成衣)Week 5 ((models fitting and ready-to-wear making):

立体裁剪3-服装制版3-服装工艺3-了解面料市场、辅料市场 3-Draping lesson 3-garment making techniques 3-knowlege of the fabric and accessories market.

第六周(完成所有成衣)Week 6 (completion of all outfits):

陈列搭配-买手基础知识-电商淘宝基础入门(Display, styling, basic knowledge for buyers,basic introduction to e-commerce Taobao.

课程增值服务Course value-added services:

完成五套系列缝制和五套系列进深圳时装周走秀。学员露出自己的logo并作为设计师谢幕!最少一篇官方媒体的报道推广(Completed five outfits can enter into ShenZhen Fashion Week for Catwalk. Participants would be able to reveal their own logo and give a curtain call as a designer! Promotion of at least one official media report.